The Healing of Families

the healing of familiesBy Fr. Yozefu-B. Ssemakula  

Your family is beset with problems. That is to say, it is a normal family.

Since you are a believer in God you have most certainly prayed to God about many of these problems. And maybe you have had the joy of answered prayer for some, some respite for others, but there are still those problems that don’t seem to go anywhere! Your image of God is seriously shaken because you don’t understand why He doesn’t seem to hear you on these particular issues. Your voice feels like a cry in the desert.

This serious issue is addressed in a truly fresh and inspired book, The Healing of Families, by renowned author Father Yozefu-B. Ssemakula, who hails from Uganda, and is now ministering in the U.S. based in the Pensacola-Tallahassee diocese. His in-depth book is filled with powerful prayers to cleanse and heal the family. Fr. Ssemakula presents a simple, effective, and powerful prayer method for freeing you and your family from problems you have prayed about for a long time without results, including health issues.

Through Father’s inspired book and seminar you will learn to distinguish between the true Cross of Christ that we have to carry for our salvation, Matthew 16:24 (necessary suffering), and the false Cross, which is a simple captivity and oppression of God’s children, Luke 4:18 (unnecessary suffering). God never wills evil and pain for us at any point in our lives. Evil and pain are interruptions of God’s plan for our lives Jeremiah 29:11, even if good can be extracted from them. 1 John 4:8 tells us: “God is love.” John 10:10 states: “I came that they might have life and have in abundantly.” God’s will is always good. When things turn out bad for us, it can never be the will of God. In Baptism, God pre-equipped us with all the tools we need to effectively deal with the majority of our problems. In reading Father’s book or attending a Healing of Families seminar you will understand how to use the tools of your Baptism to end recurrent problems in your lives. (Product description)

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