Posts Tagged "S"

By David Seamands Whether through our own fallen temperament, willful disobedience, or as victims of the hurtful actions of others, many of us struggle with crippling emotions, among them perfectionism, depression, and low self-worth. The pain of such emotions is often present with us even though the incidents and relationships that caused the hurt may be long past. Healing for Damaged Emotions, first published in 1981 and since...

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By Bob Sorge Grow in the kind of faith that never stops contending for breakthrough. When Jesus gave us the prayer, “Get justice for me from my adversary,” (Luke 18:3), He equipped us with the most powerful prayer possible. Explore Jesus’s parable of the persistent widow and discover answers to some of the most perplexing questions about prayer: • Why is the cry for justice so empowering and strategic? • Can I know...

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By Perry Stone   Is there a war going on in your home? Does a weeping willow describe your family tree? Do you wish you had been born to a different family? Did you pick up some bad DNA from someone in your lineage? Our homes should be places of love and security, but demonic activity and hindrances often fill them with conflict, dissatisfaction, and disillusionment. Purging Your House, Pruning Your Family Tree takes you to the root...

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Matthew S. Stanford Ph.D.   Each day men and women diagnosed with mental disorders are told they need to pray more and turn from their sin. Mental illness is equated with demonic possession, weak faith and generational sin. Why is it that the church has struggled in ministering to those with mental illnesses? As both a church leader and professor of psychology and neuroscience, Michael S. Stanford has seen far too many mentally ill...

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By Dr. Ed Smith This book was written by Dr. Ed Smith as a way of introducing people to the basic teachings of this ministry. It is not a “How To Do It” book, but a “What Is It” book. Many churches use this book, in a small group setting, as a way of introducing their membership to the teaching and concepts of this ministry. If you want to know more about Theophostic Prayer Ministry but are not ready to...

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