Posts Tagged "reflection"

A Time to be Born In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. There are two parts to this sentence, each with its own list of confounding, even overwhelming, questions.  So I begin with the first part: In The Beginning. In the beginning—there it is: Time. How did Time get here? Where did it come from? Was it the first thing God created? Even the concept “first” reinforces the idea that Time exists. Did Time just...

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A Maze of Mirrors It’s almost effortless today to see what my limitation is. (There’s a joke in there somewhere.) It’s the fact that I cannot see. At least not in the real world. In the unreal world, I’m an absolute wonder. But here, with my feet sticking to Mother Earth, zip.  Nada. A big, fat zero. I think it was the way that I was brought up. To be always standing outside the ring of people before me.  I...

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Right to the End My oft repeated transgression against God can be summed up very efficiently by one word: intransigence. It means unwilling to change my view. Absolutely unwilling. There have been three significant times in my life when I resolved to be the one who was right in the face of God. The first was when I was seventeen.  Having been told to, Come and do your work, I resolved, instead, to just slip out the spiritual back door...

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Everflow I walk on a trail through the woods behind where I live as often as I can.   As often as my body allows. And it is a truly wonderful thing. Because it makes my body stronger. And I’m out in the fresh air, which cheers me immensely. And I feel muscles in me working: muscles that haven’t really worked for a long, long time. I walk over a number of little wooden bridges that lift me a bit over whatever small stream...

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God is light. God is good. God is righteous. Can we really assign any adjective we want to to God? How can God be good if God created goodness in the first place? How can God be righteous if God is the very concept of righteousness? Isn’t this like writing, This tree is treeness? Well, yes it is, as a matter of fact.  But trees are treeness. But do we really need to say so? Ever? What is our need to heap adjectives on God, the...

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