By Joe Rigney (Foreword by John Piper) The world is full of good things. Ice-cold lemonade. The laughter of children. College football. Scrambled eggs and crispy bacon. But what happens to these earthly pleasures when Jesus shows up? Do the things of earth grow strangely dim? Or does he shine in all that’s fair? In this book, Joe Rigney offers a breath of fresh air to Christians who are burdened by false standards, impossible...
Read MoreBy Cecil Murphey & Gary Roe Survivors of sexual abuse face a long road to recovery. With every bump and bruise and setback, they may wonder if total healing is even possible. In fact, the feeling that “I should be healed by now” is one that every survivor will have to deal with at some time. A survivor himself, Cecil Murphey writes, “I absolutely affirm that God can produce such a miracle. I don’t know of any, but I still think...
Read MoreBy Reba Riley Reba Riley’s twenty-ninth birthday was not a good time to undertake a spiritual quest, but when an untreatable chronic illness prompted her to focus on one thing she could fix — her whopping case of Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome — she undertook a challenge: Visit thirty religions before her thirtieth birthday. This was transformation by spiritual shock therapy. Reba would find peace and healing . . . if it...
Read MoreBy Josh Ross Are You Scarred? Tired of platitudes that don’t heal your brokenness? Have you wondered if you’re allowed to say things like, “God, this doesn’t make any sense. Where are you?” Are you looking for the balance between honesty and faithfulness? This book is for you. Josh Ross lets you in on his own journey of grief as he discovers that faith is about experience, movement, and process. It is about adventure, adventure that...
Read MoreBy Richard Rohr Find helpful ways to incorporate Twelve Step spirituality into your life – whatever your addiction or affliction. Only people who have suffered in some way can save one another. Deep communion and deep compassion is formed much more by shared pain than by shared pleasure. This, says Richard Rohr, is one of the great discoveries of the Twelve Step Program, America’s most significant and authentic contribution to...
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