Posts Tagged "love"

Connection It is the smoothing out of the path that lies before me. It is the complete rearrangement of my structure. It is my being set free. It is my complete capture. It is fullness. It is fulfillment. It is the heart of quietness, and the hand of eternity. It is the movement of life itself; the opening of what seemed to be the end. It is the beginning that occurs every second. It is wonderment and amazement; a child’s first...

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Another Door It seems, these days, that when I do some contemplating doors are a recurring theme. I am grateful to you for teaching me about who I am. Picture: door. Death is behind a door.  A closed door. Life is at the top of an open door—a door leading up—not in. Strange. Now here is 20 minutes of contemplative prayer on the concept of love.  You’d think I’d get a lot.  Such an immense subject.  So fresh in my mind. And...

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Prayer For World Peace Great God, who has told us “Vengeance is mine,” save us from ourselves, save us from the vengeance in our hearts and the acid in our souls. Save us from our desire to hurt as we have been hurt, to punish as we have been punished, to terrorize as we have been terrorized. Give us the strength it takes to listen rather than to judge, to trust rather than to fear, to try again and again to make peace...

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