Posts Tagged "healing prayer"

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 225 St. Paul’s Avenue Staten Island, New York 10304 718 273-9572 Anointing With Holy Oil for Healing Last Sunday of each month during 10:15 am Mass Immediately following the Eucharist in the Side Chapel St. Paul’s Episcopal Church...

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St. David’s Episcopal Church 3951 Seneca Street West Seneca, New York 14224 716 674-4670 First Sunday of every month after each service Sacramental Healing (healing prayers) and anointing with Holy Oil. St. David’s Episcopal...

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A few years ago, I began another course of chemotherapy.  It began in mid-August.  It wasn’t until the following mid-May that I could get up in the morning and stay conscious all day.   It left me very weak.  I could be active for a day, but then have to rest the next two or three days before I could be active again. After a few months of this semi-disabled state, I decided, as I have before in my life, to take my own healing...

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I realize that I am the only person in the world to want to find myself a very sturdy soapbox, step up on it, and proclaim my belief that the church is lopsided.  And that this is a very serious matter. In my opinion, that is. Here’s my metaphor for the church (that I’ve probably shared before): The church is like a tree with two branches.  The trunk is God, the Father.  And the branches are Jesus Christ and the Holy...

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Episcopal Church of the Resurrection 147 Campbell Avenue at Center Street Williston Park, New York 11596 516 746-5527 Healing Service 10 a.m. Healing Prayers with Contemporary Eucharist It begins with a portion of the Gospel with reflections and sharing. We form a circle into which we offer our prayers silently or aloud, and all are anointed by the priest. We then gather at the altar to celebrate a brief Rite Now Eucharistic Prayer....

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