Posts Tagged "healing prayer"

Listening is a critical skill that needs to be learned over time, and with much practice. You must learn to listen to the person you are serving.  This means that you have to learn to still your mind, and control yourself from entering into a conversation with the pray-ee as though this were a counseling session. It’s not. It’s a session of listening. So the pray-ee first.  Then you must learn to listen to your own...

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Do you believe that healing can just happen like it does in the Bible when Jesus touches someone and his brokenness has been made whole? Well, do you? Or does it feel like a nice dream to think about, and perhaps nod about now and then when it’s mentioned? And, yet, healing happens every second of the day.  In your house.  At your job.  Even at your church. Watching your child’s sore stop bleeding, scab over, and...

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