Posts Tagged "God"

Peaceful God Peaceful God, You allowed your son to die at Calvary, taking upon himself the punishment for our sins, that we may be reconciled to you. May our sinful selves die with him on the cross, that we may rise to that life of perfect joy and grace which he promises to all his faithful peoples. Amen. (Thomas...

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Gracious Father, thank you for the mercy you have shown in forgiving my sins and for the peace that comes from being reconciled with you and with your church.   O God, you are faithful, and you never abandon those who hope in you. I know that my redemption from sin and death has been purchased at the cost of your Son’s blood. In return for this priceless gift, I resolve today to renew my trust in your unfailing mercy.   In times of...

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Prayer For Peace Father God, Your Word says that even when we face trouble in this world, you give peace in the midst of it. Today, surround the hurting with your love. When we can’t understand, give us a peace that passes all understanding. We trust you at all times! In Jesus’s name, Amen. (Circle of...

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The Face of God I stand before the stand of trees The wood The expanse before me And I see the shards of light— the asymmetric design of relief from the darkness and I think of God Of walking through— trying to walk through— the challenges laid at my feet. Looking out on the faces of mankind but knowing that, in truth, on that day, anyway, I am walking on the path of God; that can evaporate under my feet. Or lead me to a...

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Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. Today I commit myself Never to be silent, Never to be passive, Never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life...

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