Posts Tagged "blog"

(by Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt) Jesus left there and went along the Sea of Galilee.  Then he went up on a mountainside and sat down.  Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute, and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them.  The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking, and the blind seeing.  And they praised the God of...

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Open Hands A funny word, I thought when I first read it. Not just a funny word for a topic for contemplative prayer, but a funny word just on its own. Period. Full stop. Wrestle? Of course, all I could think of was the very common use of it these days—and very common indeed in terms of the quality of life—the term, mud wrestling. So, I am sitting in contemplative prayer and wondering what in Heaven’s name does mud wrestling—or...

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Change There was the idea of openness at the beginning of the prayer. But that soon changed to change. Freedom as our ability to change. To change things around us. To change things about ourselves. To be changed. I don’t know why I saw this. To me, just off the cuff, what I would say freedom meant was the finding of an open door. Through which I could walk. Not to be trapped. Isn’t trapped the opposite of freedom? But...

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Slide Show What a full prayer this was! The images never stopped.  It was a slide show, with many images all montaged together. By the end I thought it had become a mosaic. And then the mosaic was on the ground, under my feet.  Instead of being on a wall. It was too much, really, to look at.  To take in. My life has been a path of prayer. I even wondered, during this time of prayer focusing on the concept of prayer, if every single...

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Another Door It seems, these days, that when I do some contemplating doors are a recurring theme. I am grateful to you for teaching me about who I am. Picture: door. Death is behind a door.  A closed door. Life is at the top of an open door—a door leading up—not in. Strange. Now here is 20 minutes of contemplative prayer on the concept of love.  You’d think I’d get a lot.  Such an immense subject.  So fresh in my mind. And...

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