Posts Tagged "abortion"

Eternal Father, source of all mercy and love, out of love for us you sent your son, and willed that blood and water flow from his side to cleanse us of sin and restore lost innocence. Hear the cry of each woman who mourns the loss of her child to abortion. Forgive her sin, restore her to your grace, and still the terror of her heart with a peace beyond all understanding. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of...

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For those who are tempted by abortion, that God may plant in their hearts a love for the treasure of life and the strength to protect it; we pray to the Lord. For all doctors, that inspired by their oath to protect life, they may know the grace of repentance, serving others as true disciples of the Gospel of Life; we pray to the Lord. For all nurses, that inspired by the gentle compassion of Mary, the mother of God, they might serve...

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