
  • The Life of Prayer: Mind, Body, and Soul

    the life of prayerBy Allan Hugh Cole, Jr.

    Allan Cole Jr. offers insights on the topic of prayer, explaining prayer and describing its spiritual and physical effects. This book is for those who are not comfortable with prayer or who have reached an impasse in their prayer lives. ...

  • The Practice of Soaking Prayer

    By Nigel W. D. Mumford  

    Why soaking prayer? Why do we need to soak in prayer at all? What is it? This booklet offers a guide and understanding to soaking prayer and how to enter into His rest.

    The purpose of this booklet is to encourage, uplift, support, ...

  • Unbinding Your Soul: Your Experiment in Prayer & Community

    Unbinding your SoulBy Martha Grace Reese

    Next in the Unbinding the Gospel Series. With 40-day personal prayer journal. For small groups ready to invite…

    Unbinding Your Soul is the “unbinding” model for actual, invitational evangelism. Typical mainline churches get ready for the Unbinding Your Soul small group study with ...

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