
  • Healing Life’s Hurts: Healing Memories Through the Five Stages of Forgiveness

    Healing life's hurts LinnBy Dennis Linn & Matthew Linn  

    A volume of practical wisdom that applies the five stages of Kübler-Ross to the healing process.

    Explores the concept of emotional and physical healing as well as exploring the five stages of acceptance of death and dying in ...

  • The Art of Forgiving

    the art of forgivingBy Lewis B. Smedes  

    If you are ready to make peace with those who have hurt or betrayed you, there can be no finer road map than this thoroughly practical book.

    Lewis Smedes brings true forgiveness, “Gods own gift,” within the capacity of every ...

  • Unconditional?

    unconditionalBy Brian Zahnd

    In a world where the ugliness of rage and retaliation are driving the story line, Unconditional? offers the beauty, reconciliation, and total restoration of forgiveness the way Jesus taught us to live it.  More than just another biblical exposition, this book begins with the ...

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