- Introduction to Aging, Death and Dying
Were you ever around anyone who was going through the process of dying?
If so, remember back to all the questions you had, the worries, how scared you and that person were. The unknown is very scary, and ...
- Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging
Encourages loving care
of self and others
during the last season of lifeIs loving later life possible? In our youth-obsessed culture, nobody enjoys growing old. We normally fear our own aging and generally do not love ...
- Midlife Meltdown
Midlife can be a springboard to a new and exciting era in your life. It is a time to answer the wake-up call of this timely book and start experiencing improved health, spiritual fulfillment, and long-lasting realtionships that will enrich and lengthen ...
- Ministry To and With the Elderly
Ministry To and With the Elderly is a book that will help clergy, church leaders, and seminary students better understand the unique needs and abilities of the older members of our churches.
This book is not simply another book on ...
- Should We Live Forever?: The Ethical Ambiguities of Aging
Well-thought-out perspectives on living both long and well.
In Should We Live Forever? Christian ethicist Gilbert Meilaender puzzles over the implications of the medical advances that have lengthened the human life span, wrestling with what this quest for living longer means ...