Stongman’s His Name…What’s His Game?: An Authoritative Biblical Approach to Spiritual Warfare

strongman's his nameBy Drs. Jerry & Carol Robeson  

An important spiritual law was revealed by Jesus in Luke 11:21-22 and Matthew 12:29, “How can one enter into a strongman’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strongman?

And then he will spoil his house.”Now, instead of “binding” symptoms, we can attack the sixteen strongmen or demonic spirits mentioned by name in the Bible! If God names them, they are real, and He has given us dominion over them through the name of Jesus! A Scriptural, balanced, uplifting approach to present-day spiritual warfare, this book teaches how to zero in on and quickly identify the strongman in every situation. It also instructs how to bind the enemy and loose the power of God according to Matthew 18:18, provides instant recognition when and where Satan is attacking our lives and the lives of those around us, and shows that God wants us to be free from Satan’s hassles so that we can reach this world for Christ. (Product description)

Available at Christian Book

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