Heavenly Father,
We praise and thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is our
peace and our reconciliation.
We bring before you all those who are suffering because of violence, war,
or injustice.
We pray for all who experience hunger, poverty, and homelessness.
We ask your blessing on our work in this world.
Give us wisdom, courage, and discernment, as we pray and work together.
We bring before you the terrible conflicts that scar our world and cry out
for resolution and lasting peace.
We bring before you the unjust structures that keep millions in
poverty while ensuring prosperity for the few.
We pray for an end to unfairness and discrimination, and ask that we,
ourselves, may be granted a spirit of repentance and conversion.
May our world manifest communion with God, which is the sign of your
Kingdom in the world.
(The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark)