*: multiple parishes
Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church
210 E. 9th Street
Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74003
918 336-1212
Care and Healing
As Christians and members of St. Luke’s, we are ministers to each other and everyone we meet in daily life. We are to be conduits of Jesus’ compassion, grace and healing. needs vary according to the person and circumstances. The following are ways St. Luke’s seeks to be responsive to those needs.
The Sacrament of Healing – Holy Unction
The Sacrament of Healing, sometimes called Holy Unction, involves prayer and anointing as we ask God for healing. This healing can be spiritual, physical, emotional, relational or a combination. We believe that God wants us to be whole and God’s Healing Spirit is available through prayer.
At the Altar Rail
Prayers for healing are provided at the Altar Rail during Holy Communion and following each service. Persons desiring prayer during Communion may cross their arms at the wrist on the rail and the priest or deacon will provide a brief prayer and blessing.
During Sunday Eucharist
A Prayer Team consisting of several laypersons and one of the clergy is available during Communion in the Chapel to pray for individuals and those who come on behalf of others. Team members have a special calling and training for this ministry and are eager to pray for persons in need. As they pray for a person, there will be a laying on of hands and a series of prayers followed by an anointing with Holy Oil.
Thursday Healing Service
During the Thursday morning Eucharist at 12:00, special attention and prayers are given to those who need to experience healing in their lives. At the Prayers of the People, individuals are encouraged to come to the Altar Rail where they are surrounded with prayer and love and are anointed with Holy Oil.
Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church
4250 West Houston Street
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012
918 294-9444
Worship Times
Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.
In addition to our weekly service, prayers for healing will be on the first Wednesday of each month. Childcare Available.
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
809 West Cedar Avenue
Duncan, Oklahoma 73533
580 255-6165
Healing Service
5:30 p.m. most Wednesdays in the Chapel.
Join us for this intimate service of prayer and healing. Holy Communion is celebrated.
All Saints’ Episcopal Church
325 East Washington Street
McAlester, Oklahoma 74501
918 423-1915
5:00 p.m. – Prayers for Healing in the Chapel
Grace Episcopal Church
218 North 6th Street
Muskogee, Oklahoma 74401
918 687-5416
Healing Service 2nd Sunday of Every Month
Saint Michael’s Episcopal Church
Norman, Oklahoma 73072
405 321-8951
Weekday Services
Wednesday Healing Service & Eucharist — 5:30 p.m.
Thursday Healing Service & Eucharist — 11:00 a.m.
The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer
2100 Martin Luther King Avenue
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111
405 427-2106
Regular Service Times
Healing and Prayer Service – Wednesdays, 12:15 p.m.