*: multiple parishes
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
1361 W. Market Street
Akron, Ohio 44313
330 836-9327
Special Intercessory Prayers
at The Altar Sunday at 11 a.m.
During our last service on Sundays, a priest or deacon will be stationed on the east, lectern side of the altar rail, to offer special intercessory prayers right after you receive communion. If you would like extra prayers for healing, for personal peace, for someone else, or for any other reason, please move to the right side of the rail after receiving communion and kneel where the clergy person is positioned. Prayers of thanksgiving are welcome, too, for a birthday, anniversary, or any other special occasion. The minister will ask what prayers are requested, offer to make a sign of the cross on your forehead with anointing oil, and pray discreetly and confidentially with you.
Saint Martin’s Episcopal Church
6295 Chagrin River Road
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022
440 247-7406
Pastoral Care
On the second Saturday of each month, anointing with oil for healing and prayers are offered for those who request them at the 5 p.m. Holy Eucharist.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
2747 Fairmount Boulevard
Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44106
216 932-5815
Regular Sunday Schedule
Healing Prayers are offered on the third Sunday of each month in St. Martin’s Chapel immediately following the 9 and 11:15 services.
Church of the Epiphany
21000 Lake Shore Boulevard
Euclid, Ohio 44123
216 731-1316
Healing Prayers and Eucharist
Thursdays 6 p.m.
Christ Episcopal Church
120 Ohio Street
Huron, Ohio 44839
419 433-4701
The Holy Spirit and Healing Prayer
Weekly on Wednesday, 9 am – 10 am
St. Andrew’s Anglican Church
7521 South Old State Road
Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
740 548-5112
Order of St. Luke
The Order of St. Luke (OSL) is an internationally recognized order for healing ministries. OSL members assist in the administration of the sacrament of Holy Unction (the anointing with oil, laying on of hands and prayers for healing) and serve as hospital visitors, assisting the clergy with hospital calls, as well as visits to people who are ill at home. OSL also sponsors special healing services from time-to-time.
St. Anne’s Anglican Church
2300 Hubbard Road
Madison, Ohio 44057
440 417-1692
We believe in the power of prayer, and support each other with intercessory prayers in worship and in our personal lives. We also respect the privacy of prayerful concerns. St. Anne’s believes in the laying of hands and the supernatural healing that can only come from God. We have a caring intercessory prayer and healing team that offer prayer during worship, after Communion, or whenever a special need arises. Those with the gift of intercession can be a part of a prayer chain in which prayer requests are emailed to our prayer warriors who keep your prayers confidential and before our Father.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
310 Elizabeth Street
Maumee, Ohio 43537
419 893-3381
11:30 a.m., Worship – Healing Service
All Saints Episcopal Church
8911 W Ridgewood Drive
Parma, Ohio 44130-4100
440 888-4055
Wednesday Service
10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist: Service with healing oil in chapel
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
871 E Boundary Street
Perrysburg, Ohio 43551
419 874-5704
Weekday Services
Healing Service, Thursday, 11:00 a.m.
Christ Church
2627 Atlantic St. NE
Warren, Ohio 44483
330 372-4998
10:00 a.m. Healing Service
A Service of Healing Prayers with Eucharist (Holy Communion) in the Old Christ Church Chapel
This weekly special service focuses on prayer and anointing for all who seek physical and/or spiritual healing. Attendees are invited to the altar to receive both Unction (anointing with holy oil) and Communion. Many come not only for their own needs but also to offer prayers for others (intercessory prayers) who are in need of God’s healing hand.
St. Augustine’s Anglican Church
Ellsworth Chapel at Central College
975 South Sunbury Road
Westerville, Ohio 43081
Quarterly Healing Service on August 14, 2016
On Sunday, August 14th, we will have our quarterly healing and prayer service. Prayer intercessors and priests will pray and anoint with Oil of the Sick those in the congregation desiring it. Bring a friend and come and find Jesus’ healing power.