
*: multiple parishes

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St. Paul’s Church
471 Mansfield Avenue
Darien, Connecticut 06820

203 655-8773

Service Times
Tuesday Healing Service & Agape Luncheon (10:00am)


St. James’ Church
2584 Main Street
Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033

860 633-8333

Weekday Service:  (Wednesdays year round)
10:00 a.m.  Holy Eucharist and Prayers for Healing


St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
30 Church Street
Hebron, Connecticut  06248

860 228-3244

Weekday Worship Services:

Thursday evening at 7 p.m. – A simple, informal Healing Service with Holy Eucharist.


St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
232 Durham Road
Madison, Connecticut 06443

203 245-2584

Worship Schedule
Wednesday Morning: 10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist and Healing Service


New England Fellowship
19 Vitti Street
New Canaan, Connecticut 06840


At New England Fellowship, we are passionate about sharing God’s healing power with the church and the world.

We are living in a day when God is pouring out his Spirit all over the world and a big part of this current revival is the restoration of healing to the church.

We provide time at the end of every service to minister to the sick and have seen many wonderful miracles. We believe that God desires to use every member of the church to minister to the sick and not only the church leaders. We provide regular training sessions to teach believers to minister in God’s power.

We celebrate the different streams of healing though the anointing of the Holy Spirit by faith, authority, and standing on the promises of God.


Trinity Episcopal Church
36 Main Street
Newtown, Connecticut 06470

203 426-9070


Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. (James 5:14)

One of the hallmarks of Jesus’ ministry was the amount of time he devoted to healing: praying for restoration and relief from diseases and suffering of many kinds. From its earliest days the church has sought to follow his example, coming together in a variety of ways to pray for and anoint those who were ill.

We continue that tradition today, offering healing prayer as a component of some of our worship services, as part of a hospital visit, or individually by arrangement with our priests. For those who desire it, this prayer may include anointing with oil, blessed by our bishop for this purpose. Healing prayer may also be offered for others, for whom we seek God’s renewal and restoration.

Some Christian churches have traditionally offered healing prayer (and particularly anointing) only at the time of death. Our priests are indeed available to pray with the dying and their loved ones, seeking peace and release from pain for those we love as we commend them into the gentle hands of God. However we do not restrict this sacrament only to the end of life; healing prayer may be sought at all times and for all conditions.

If you are interested in healing prayer, come to one of our services which include it, or talk to our priests.

Healing Prayer

The Bible teaches us to pray for healing: physical, emotional, and spiritual. Our Wednesday evening eucharist and our Taizé prayer services include an opportunity to come forward to our communion rail for this kind of prayer, with the details of your prayer request shared confidentially between you and the priest. When offering this prayer, the priest will put their hands on top of your head and pray in a soft voice so that others may not overhear. Healing prayer also includes an opportunity to be anointed (marked on your forehead) with healing oil, blessed by our bishop for this special purpose.


Zion Episcopal Church
326 Notch Hill Road
North Branford, Connecticut 06471

203 488-7395


Healing Prayer service is the last Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m.


St. Paul’s On-the-Green
60 East Avenue
Norwalk, Connecticut 06851

203 847-2806

Prayer & Healing at St. Paul’s

Healing Ministry is central to our life together at St. Paul’s. A large part of Jesus’ ministry and the ministry he passed on to his disciples involved healing of all kinds. Our vision and prayer for all who come is that they experience what it is to enter into a healing environment, whether approaching along the garden path or entering our beautiful Church building, truly recognizing that they have entered God’s Sanctuary. At the heart of our Healing Ministry is our ongoing life of prayer. You are most welcome and encouraged to come experience God’s healing grace.

The Sacrament of Healing / Sunday Worship & beyond

Each Sunday the sacrament of anointing and prayers for healing is offered during Holy Communion. Following the ancient healing tradition described in Scripture, our clergy use special sacramental oil, delicately scented, to make the sign of the Cross in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, on the foreheads of all who come for healing prayer. At our principal Sunday morning worship service, the clergy are assisted by healing teams. Consistent with our “open Altar” where all are welcome to receive Holy Communion, the sacrament of anointing and prayers for healing is available to anyone who desires healing support for themselves or for others—for physical, emotional and spiritual needs, including healing of relationships, memories, and freedom from addictions. You may come to any Healing Station in silence or with a whispered, specific request. Healing requests are held in strict confidence. The Sacrament of Healing is also available for those who are ill at home, preparing for surgery or other medical challenges, in hospital or care facilities. contact one of our clergy to request a visit.


Each Sunday in our worship we share the Prayers of the People, or Intercessions, where the needs and concerns of the world — global, local, and personal — are lifted in prayer and affirmed by the congregation. Throughout the week, the clergy receive prayer requests for Sunday’s Intercessions. We also have a prayer urn in our Welcome Center for those bringing additional prayer needs. Simply write your request on the slips provided and place in the urn. An usher will see that the request is given to an Intercessor.

Prayer Chain

A group of parishioners pray daily for specific or general requests.  Our clergy receive prayer requests and, in turn, notify the Prayer Chain.  First names only are used in order to preserve confidentiality.  Prayer requests remain on the Prayer Chain for one month and can be renewed for longer periods of time by contacting Mother Louise Kalemkerian or Lilian Revel at the end of each month.


Grace Episcopal Church
336 Main Street
Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475

860 388-0895

Service of Public Healing

Since 1990, the members of Grace Church have had a weekly service of public healing on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. in the church. This service is an important gathering for the members of the parish. We always welcome visitors and consider it an honor to pray for each other at the altar following holy communion. We pray for many areas of healing: spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. We support each other through difficult times.

The service begins with a time of worship, using both contemporary Christian music and hymns. After a time of worship, some testimonies, and a teaching, we share in the service of Holy Communion with prayers for healing at the altar. Many have commented on the peace of our Lord which surrounds us as we draw close to Him during this service. Healings of all kinds have occurred — physical, mental and spiritual. We are uplifted when we hear testimonies of the healing love of Jesus as people share specific healings with the congregation. Over the past years, we have had several people healed from eye problems and other physical ailments. Inner healing and forgiveness have been occurring on a regular basis. Many have come to faith and made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ during this service.

We know that the greatest healing of all is spiritual healing: loving, following, and serving our Lord Jesus Christ. Once we make this personal commitment, our life is changed forever. We step into eternity and will live with Him forever. After we have made this commitment, we can face the difficulties of life with hope and courage. Even death cannot separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Following the service, we have a time of fellowship and lunch. Grace Church is a host site for the Shoreline Soup Kitchen on Wednesdays from noon to 1:00 p.m. People who have attended the service of public healing share a meal with the Soup Kitchen guests. The model is one of a community meal in which everyone enjoys good food and fellowship together.

The service of public healing has become a place of encouragement and a time of fellowship in our congregation. In this service, we live out our mission statement as we “share the healing love of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.” We welcome guests and visitors as we pray for one another. This ministry is ongoing, although we take a break during the months of July and August, in addition to a break over the Christmas/New Year holidays.


Church of Christ the Healer
20 Brookdale Road
Stamford, Connecticut 06903



Wednesdays at 6 p.m.

Healing Prayer in the church – we gather in the mid-week twilight, with candles lit, to share prayer concerns and needs and pray for one another. There is  great freedom to participate as much or as little as makes you comfortable.


Trinity Episcopal Church
11 Church Street
Tariffville, Connecticut 06081

860 651-0201

Trinity’s Healing Ministry

“I am the Lord that healeth thee.”
(window in the Father Howard Chapel at Trinity)

The Healing Ministry has been an important part of Parish Life at Trinity since the 1970s. This ministry has touched many lives and continues to reach out to everyone, offering God’s promises to those who are troubled in body, mind or spirit.

O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.
(Psalm 30:2)

The Gospels tell us that Jesus spent much of his time on earth healing people: physically, emotionally and spiritually. The ministry of healing has been a part of the Christian experience from the very beginning.

Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. (Matthew 4:23) 

We believe that God has called us to continue this healing ministry to help bring wholeness to people’s lives. Trinity’s healing team, comprised of trained laypeople and clergy, meets regularly for prayer and development and offers a number of different ways you can come seek God’s healing. All faiths are welcome to join us. How can we pray for you today?

Healing Services

A healing service is a place of peaceful rest in the Lord. It is also a place to listen, learn, and experience the many ways our Lord touches our lives. Trinity offers a monthly Healing Service on the first Thursday of the month at 10:00am in the Chapel. This service includes Eucharist and the laying on of hands with prayer. In addition, a special evening healing service is held in December with Eucharist, music, and laying on of hands.

Take some time to wander in Trinity’s Healing Path and sit and pray on one of our garden benches.

First Sunday of the Month Healing Services

On the first Sunday of each month, the Sunday Worship services (7:45am, 9:45am, and 5:00pm) offer a time of healing prayer. This is a time when people bring their needs, spoken and unspoken, before the Lord for prayer and healing. After receiving Communion (or a blessing for those who choose not to receive Communion), people then may come to the designated place (the altar rail during the Sunday Morning services, the back of the Chapel for Sunday Evening services), where a member of the healing team will gently lay their hands upon the shoulder or head of the supplicant, anoint them with a dab of oil on their forehead, and pray for their needs. You may request prayer for a specific need or just allow the healing team member to pray as the Spirit moves them. This is a special time of prayer where many have found peace and healing. Visitors are welcome to come participate in the Healing Services.

Weekly Prayers for Healing

During Communion on Sunday mornings at the 9:45am service, prayers for healing are offered in the small entry room in the back of the church. Feel free to come after Communion for healing prayer.

Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me,
and I will listen to you. (Jeremiah 29:12)


Grace Episcopal Church
5958 Main Street
Trumbull, Connecticut 06611

203 268-2809

Healing Prayer

Grace Church offers healing prayer regularly, including at each Sunday service.  It is also available upon request at other times.

Healing prayer includes having holy oil placed on your forehead (an ‘anointing’) and personal words said to you by one of our healing ministers. You do not need to be any certain kind of ill to receive healing prayer, since we all stand in the need of healing every day.

You may approach healing prayer with a specific prayer request for yourself or a loved one, but you don’t need to say anything at all – just be open and willing to receiving God’s healing power through the laying on of hands.

If you would like to know more about healing prayer, request a prayer of healing, or are interested in exploring the possibility of taking part in the church’s healing team, please contact the church office.


St. John’s Episcopal Church
523 Hartford Turnpike, Route 30
Vernon, Connecticut 06066

860 872-0517

Worship With Us


9:30 a.m. Healing Eucharist
7:00 p.m. Healing Eucharist and Bible Study


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
220 Valley Street
Willimantic Connecticut 06226
860 423-8455

Wednesday, 1:30 p.m.: Healing Prayer




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