
*: multiple parishes

Minneapolis*Rochester*RosevilleSaint PaulSunfish Lake

Gethsemane Episcopal Church
905 Fourth Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404

612 332-5407

Healing Prayers & Laying on of Hands

At the 10 o’clock service, during communion, a healing station is offered in the baptistery for those who may desire prayers of healing.


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
4557 Colfax Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55419

612 824-2697

Healing Prayer: 10:00 a.m., each Sunday

During communion at Sunday worship (in the side chapel), the healing team offers healing prayers with laying on of hands and anointing with oil, if desired. The healing team can pray for a specific concern or give a general prayer for health and well-being. The healing prayer team is also available in this area immediately following the service for more in depth discussion of concerns and for longer prayer times. We are also available by appointment.

Healing Prayer: 7:00 p.m., second Tuesday of each month

Every Christian has wrestled with how to pray for themselves or others suffering from illness. We long to witness healing such as Christ and his disciples performed. The healing prayer ministry can help us as we navigate difficult times of our lives and search for God’s peace and love. Come pray for God’s healing love at this ecumenical worship service. This intimate service includes scripture readings, communion, hymns and time for individual healing prayers. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.

Healing prayer is simply bringing our needs to God through prayer and expectantly watching for the Holy to respond. We believe in seeking healing through all methods provided by God including traditional medicine, complementary medicine, therapy, pastoral counseling, AA groups, etc. We also believe that through prayer God performs amazing healing of body, mind and spirit. We pray for all manner of needs: healing of pain (e.g. arthritis, injury), healing of relationships, healing of destructive behaviors, healing of minor or serious medical conditions, healing of past memories or abusive relationships, general blessings for work and family, guidance on life changes, etc. We have witnessed many healings of body, mind and spirit through the grace and healing power of God.


Calvary Episcopal Church
111 3rd Avenue SW
Rochester, Minnesota 55902

507 282-9429

Worship Schedule

Monday, 5:15 p.m. – Healing Service & Holy Eucharist


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
1884 22nd Street NW
Rochester, Minnesota 55901-0618

507 288-2469

Worship Schedule

Wednesdays, 12:00 Noon Healing Service


St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church
2300 Hamline Avenue, N
Roseville, Minnesota 55113

651 633-4589

Weekly Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, 6:15 p.m. – Healing and Holy Eucharist – Chapel (Not in Lent)


St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
2136 Carter Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108

651 645-3058

Healing Prayer

Many parishioners, but perhaps not everyone, are aware that the healing rite – the laying on of hands – is offered at St. Matthew’s. The laying on of hands for healing has been a part of the ministry of the church since its earliest days. Healing was an integral part of Jesus’ ministry but there are many earlier references to instances of healing in the Old Testament, for example in the Psalms (Psalm 6) and in I Samuel (1:1-2:10). The healing prayer team members offer the laying on of hands for healing in the side chapel during the Eucharist at 10:30 am (9:00am during the summer) every Sunday.

Currently, the healing prayer team consists of lay ministers who have been trained in the theology and practice of healing prayer and commissioned by St. Matthew’s clergy. We believe that healing was central to Christ’s ministry during his lifetime and is also central to God’s mission in today’s world. Whether you are a longtime parishioner of St. Matthews or someone who has never set foot in a church, we offer you the opportunity to come in silence or to name that which troubles you and to receive a simple and compassionate prayer for your healing in mind, body and spirit.


Saint Anne’s Episcopal Church
2035 Charlton Road
Sunfish Lake, Minnesota, 55118

651 455-9449

Sunday Mornings

Early Holy Eucharist – 8:30 (9:30 summer) a.m.
Holy Eucharist with Choir – 10:30 a.m.

Healing prayers are available every Sunday at the time of communion. You may come for prayers for yourself or for another person.

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