*: multiple parishes
St. Margaret’s Church
95 Court Street
Belfast, Maine 04915
207 338-2412
Eucharist and Healing Service
Wednesday, 9 a.m. – 10 a.m.
The Episcopal Church of Saint Mary
43 Foreside Road
Falmouth, Maine 04105
207 781 3366
Come Worship With Us
Thursdays, 12 noon – Healing Eucharist (also in the Chapel, a small-group experience with prayers for healing and the laying on of hands, if requested)
People’s United Methodist Church
407 Pritham Avenue
Greenville Junction, Maine 04442
207 695-3432
Lenten Healing Services
All persons are welcome to these services of healing prayer, to be held in various locations throughout the Northern Maine District during Lent, 2015. Prayers for healing, anointing with oil, laying on of hands, and Holy Communion will all be a part of these special services. Preacher: Rev Dr Pat MacHugh, District Superintendent. Sponsored by : NME District Spirituality Team.
“A Service of Healing is not necessarily a service of curing, but it provides an atmosphere in which healing can happen. The greatest healing of all is the reunion or reconciliation of a human being with God. When this happens, physical healing sometimes occurs, mental and emotional balance is often restored, spritual health is enhanced and relationships are healed. For the Christian the basic purpose of spiritual healing is to renew and strengthen one’s relationship with the living Christ.” – The United Methodist Book of Worship
Service: Sunday March 15, at 3:00
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
20 Union Street
Hallowell, Maine 04347
207 623-3041
Healing Prayer Ministry
The Healing Prayer Ministry was recently resurrected at St. Matthew’s.
A small group of parishioners agreed to make themselves available to anyone who wishes at the 10:30 a.m. service on Sundays. Each Sunday there are two members of the ministry available in the narthex of the church to offer prayers of healing on behalf of the community.
This is a way for our community of St. Matthew’s to support one another as we struggle with life’s many challenges. Together, within the fellowship of our Christian community, we lift our concerns to God in Christ who is our healer.
Christ Episcopal Church
35 Paris Street
Norway , Maine 04268
207 743-6782
Christian Healing
Unction of the sick (healing and anointing with oil) is available from the Rector upon request.
St. Ann’s Episcopal Church
40 Windham Center Road
Windham, Maine 04062
207 892-8447
Healing Team
St. Ann’s Healing Team offers prayers at Communion time at both Sunday services, and healing team members are available in the chapel area for private and extended prayer following each service. When requested our healing team will make a home visit to pray for the specific needs of parishioners and their families. We offer the Beyond Blue Christmas service, a quiet worship time for those who find the Christmas season a painful time because of personal losses and life changes. The team meets monthly for a time of checking in, updates and training. We coordinate frequently with the prayer chain. We hope that more and more of our parish family will feel comfortable with healing prayer at the altar when they or someone they love is injured, ill, facing surgery or dealing with a personal challenge.
Unity of Greater Portland
54 River Road
Windham, Maine 04062-4047
207 893-1233
Monthly Healing Service
March 8 @ 12:15 pm – 1:45 pm
The Healing Service is offered each month to facilitate healing by the flow of energy through the power of grace. Those serving as facilitators of healing know that their services represent their commitment to support the emergence and acceptance of the wholeness that Spirit intends for us by applying Unity’s principles of healing as well as other modalities.
All who attend will have the opportunity to receive a personal time for healing if they choose. Everyone is invited to remain for the whole service, even after receiving a private healing session, as to help support the service.
These services are offered as a gift to our community; no fees are charged. Your love offerings will be gratefully accepted and will support the work of the Healing Ministry and Unity of Greater Portland.
Please invite your family, friends, and others who may benefit from this service to attend. If you are interested in becoming a part of this team please contact us to find out more about it.
St. George’s Episcopal Church
407 York Street
York, Maine 03909