Hold fast to the unity of the Spirit
in the bonds of Heaven’s peace.
We are bound together
by the love of Christ.
Prayer for faith
Heal the sick, raise the dead,
cure those with leprosy, cast out demons.
Anything is possible if a person believes.
Help us grow our confidence in your power.
Jesus, you laid hands on the sick and they were healed.
You said: The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do, and, in fact, will do greater works than these. Help us grow our confidence in your power.
You said, I am the resurrection and the life.
You told Lazarus to come out of the grave, and he rose.
Help us grow our confidence in your power.
You had mercy on the ten lepers.
All were healed, but only one returned to praise God.
Help us grow our confidence in your power.
Jesus, the man came before you with legion demons at Gerasene.
You delivered him and saved him.
Help us grow our confidence in your power.
Today is a day in eternity.
The fruit of your kingdom will last forever.
Your Spirit transforms the world.
We are grateful for the day.
Lord, you have been faithful.
You have been good.
You have been with us.
Lord, you have been faithful.
You have been good.
We share this life together.
Lord, you have been faithful.
Help us to be kind.
God forgive us.
God sustain us.
We are being transformed by love.
Peace and grace are here.
We are to be a light to the world.
Lord, because of love,
you went about doing good.
Let us not hesitate to be like you.
We walk on.
We walk on together to more truth,
more justice, more love.
Prayer for others
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.
We look to you for tools for the task
To show your goodness, and
share your kindness.
Lord, Holy Spirit,
we need messages of wisdom.
We need messages of knowledge.
Come, Lord.
We need faith.
We need gifts of healing.
Come, Lord.
We need works of power.
We need prophetic revelation.
Come, Lord.
We need tongues of humans and of angels.
We need interpretations of tongues.
Come, Lord.
We need distinguishing of spirits.
We need to see your kingdom coming.
Come, Lord.
Give us these gifts that we might serve our hurting world.
The Father gives good gifts to those who ask him.
Song to the Holy Spirit
Lord, Holy Spirit,
You blow like the wind in a thousand paddocks,
Inside and outside the fences,
You blow where you wish to blow.
Lord, Holy Spirit,
You are the sun who shines on the little plant,
You warm him gently, you give him life,
You raise him up to become a tree with many leaves.
Lord, Holy Spirit, You are the mother eagle with her young,
Holding them in peace under your feathers.
On the highest mountain you have built your nest,
Where no hunter ever comes.
Lord, Holy Spirit,
You are the bright cloud in whom we hide,
In whom we know already that the battle has been won.
You bring us to our Brother Jesus
To rest our heads upon his shoulder.
Lord, Holy Spirit,
You are the kind fire who does not cease to burn,
Consuming us with flames of love and peace,
Driving us out like sparks to set the world on fire.
Lord, Holy Spirit,
In the love of friends you are building a new house.
Heaven is with us when you are with us.
You are singing your songs in the hearts of the poor.
Guide us, wound us, heal us. Bring us to the Father.
I can breathe slowly
and be at peace
for in God I am without fear.