Prayers for peace

Why Peace Is Always A Good Idea For Jacqui Hairston, with love Because you could plant peach trees And because of peace You could eat them in five or six Years Peaches not trees And your children Could eat them After you are gone! And because you could not see A friend for a long, long time But Because there is peace You would not lose them forever But see them next time they come To town! You could go ice skating Or roller skating...

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Peace Begins In The Home And The Heart Peace is not something you fight for with bombs and missiles that kill, Nor can it be won in a battle of words man fashions by scheming and skill. For men who are greedy and warlike, whose avarice for power cannot cease, Can never contribute in helping to bring this world nearer to peace. For in seeking peace for all people, there is only one place to begin And that is within each home and heart,...

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The Priest’s Prayer For Peace Libera nos, quaesumus, Domine, ab omnibus malis, praeteritis praesentibus, et futuris: et intercedente beata, et gloriosa semper Virgine Dei Genitrice Maria cum beatis Apostolis Tuis Petro et Paulo, atque Andrea, et omnibus Sanctis, da propitius pacem in diebus nostris: ut ope misericordiae Tuae adiuti, et a peccato simus semper liberi, et ab omni perturbatione securi. Per eumdem Dominum nostrum...

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A Prayer For Peace Lord, thou has been our dwelling-place in all generations; before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou hadst formed the Earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. We come to thee in a day of confusion and anguish; in a time when terror walks at night about the Earth and destruction wastes at noonday.  Nevertheless, we are not dismayed or as those who have no hope.  For we know...

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Peace When will you ever, Peace, wild wooddove, shy wings shut, Your round me roaming end, and under be my boughs? When, when, Peace, will you, Peace? I’ll not play hypocrite To own my heart: I yield you do come sometimes; but That piecemeal peace is poor peace. What pure peace allows Alarms of wars, the daunting wars, the death of it? O surely, reaving Peace, my Lord should leave in lieu Some good! And so he does leave Patience...

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Prayer For Peace And Strength Lord, I come to you for help. Life is full of trials and turmoil. Sometimes it gets the best of even the strongest of your people. You, Lord, are the one to turn to. I am in need of your guidance through this time. Lord, show me the way to obtain strength to combat the trials of life. I know your love is infinite Because of your infinite love, peace can be obtained. With strength and peace I can face...

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Peaceful God Peaceful God, You allowed your son to die at Calvary, taking upon himself the punishment for our sins, that we may be reconciled to you. May our sinful selves die with him on the cross, that we may rise to that life of perfect joy and grace which he promises to all his faithful peoples. Amen. (Thomas...

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Inward Peace O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst say that in thee we may have peace, and hast bidden us to be of good cheer, since thou hast overcome the world: give us ears to hear and faith to receive thy word; that in all the tensions and confusion of this present time, with mind serene and steadfast purpose,  we may continue to abide in thee....

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For Peace O God, through the death of your son you reconciled us one to another, drawing us together in the bond of peace. In times of trouble and adversity, may your peace sustain us, calming our fretful and anxious hearts, and saving us from all hateful and violent activities....

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For Peace O God, we know that the enemies of your church are constantly seeking to provoke you into acts of cruelty, in order to blacken your honor. We beg and beseech that you will tame their wild hearts. May their rage subside and bring peace to their souls.  May their minds, clouded by the darkness which their sins produce, repent and turn towards the bright light of your forgiveness. Now they thirst for our blood because we are...

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Prayer For Peace Father God, Your Word says that even when we face trouble in this world, you give peace in the midst of it. Today, surround the hurting with your love. When we can’t understand, give us a peace that passes all understanding. We trust you at all times! In Jesus’s name, Amen. (Circle of...

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Prayer For World Peace Great God, who has told us “Vengeance is mine,” save us from ourselves, save us from the vengeance in our hearts and the acid in our souls. Save us from our desire to hurt as we have been hurt, to punish as we have been punished, to terrorize as we have been terrorized. Give us the strength it takes to listen rather than to judge, to trust rather than to fear, to try again and again to make peace...

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Vigil Of Prayer For Peace And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:12, 18, 21, 25) The Biblical account of the beginning of the history of the world and of humanity speaks to us of a God who looks at creation, in a sense contemplating it, and declares: “It is good.” This, dear brothers and sisters, allows us to enter into God’s heart and, precisely from within him, to receive his message. We can ask ourselves: what does this message...

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A Prayer Against Violence Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you that through your death on the cross you disarmed the powers of evil. Help us, we pray you, to enter into your victory and to stand in your authority against all evil. Send forth your light and your truth, O Lord. Bring to light the deeds of darkness and let plans of violence and murder be revealed. By the power of your Holy Spirit convict those who have allowed their minds to...

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Prayer For An End To Violence, War, And Killing O Loving God, We so often, and for so long, hear the guns and rockets, drones, and bombs. We see the pictures of killings in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Congo, Nigeria, Sudan and South Sudan, Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, Central African Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and all the others. Wrap all and each of these your people in your love.  Let them hear: “Come to me you who...

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A Call To Peace* ⌘, you can be at peace now, for God loves you and is with you now and always, guiding you, helping you, healing you. ⌘, you can be at peace now, for God is lifting you up and over every obstacle, leading you through every darkness, and providing for your every need. ⌘, you can be at peace now, for you are the Father’s child – innately spiritual, strong, whole, courageous, capable, and able to do all things...

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