By Charles H. Kraft A poor self-image. Chronic depression. A bitter divorce. The trauma of sexual abuse. Why do some wounds fester and refuse to heal, even after we seek help from those who specialize in treating deep emotional pain? Kraft believes that in order to experience real and lasting freedom from a painful past, we must understand the powerful link between spiritual warfare and inner healing. It is only when we recognize and...
Read MoreBy Bea Hall She Knew It Would Take a Miracle to Overcome Despair, the Mental and Physical Abuse Bea Hall tells her story of overcoming despair, loneliness, suicide, and mental and physical abuse. She shares the devastation of widowhood, abusive situations, and divorce, and how she learned to trust God in the midst of it all. She’s had to learn the real meaning of forgiveness, love, and mercy. This book details the experiences...
Read MoreBy Siang-Yang Tan & John Carl Ortberg, Jr. Nineteen million Americans suffer from depression each year. It can strike anyone, and being a Christian does not exempt you. But help is here. Understanding the ABCs of emotional life – Affect, Behavior, and Cognition – can shed light on the causes of depression. In this revised and updated edition of Coping with Depression, the authors look carefully at the ABCs, showing how your...
Read MoreBy Neil T. Anderson & Rich Miller Striking at the very roots of fear and anxiety, bestselling authors Anderson and Miller reveal how readers can overcome their fears through the power of Jesus Christ. Even believers can let the normal concerns of life get blown out of proportion, becoming ensnared in worry and anxiety: What if something happens to my spouse? What if something were to happen to one of my children? What if this...
Read MoreBy Tim LaHaye Depression is today’s leading emotional problem, with a skyrocketing number of reported cases. But there’s much hope for those who suffer. If you or a loved one struggle with depression, whether mild or sever, Dr. Tim LaHaye assures you that there is a way to overcome those dark, hopeless feelings – even if previous counseling hasn’t helped. With over one million copies sold since its first printing...
Read MoreBy Ronald Rolheiser A thoughtful exploration of loneliness, in the tradition of Henri Nouwen’s classic Reaching Out. Loneliness may be more pervasive now than at any other time in human history. Cell phones and “instant messaging” not withstanding, our longing for meaningful connections seems to increase in direct proportion to our accessibility. In The Restless Heart, Ronald Rolheiser identifies different types of...
Read MoreBy Jan Coates If you – or someone you love – experienced emotional, physical, or sexual abuse as a child, you know something of the brokenness, anger and helplessness that resulted from it. But there is hope when God reaches down and lifts you up. Jan Coates will introduce you to real women who were abused, who hit bottom, and now thrive as transformed survivors. Impossible? Improbable? Without God, yes. But there is real hope as you...
Read MoreBy Steven R. Tracy This book provides a well-researched biblical and scientific overview of abuse. A broad overview, it deals with the various types of abuse, the various effects of abuse, and the means of healing. Abuse can be sexual, physical, neglect, spiritual, and verbal. The chief arguments pursued throughout the book are: (1) abuse is far more rampant than most Christians realize, but due to human depravity and satanic...
Read MoreBy Ken Stifler Offering a psycho-spiritual approach to the problem of suicide, Dr. Stifler speaks directly to the individual who is contemplating suicide, has survived a recent suicide attempt, or who is suffering a chronic form of self-neglect, offering perspective, hope and the possibility of grace. (Publisher’s description) Available at Christian...
Read MoreBy Don Colbert, M.D. Destructive emotions have toxic effects on the body and result in a wide range of serious illnesses – hypertension, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, and even some types of cancer. The truth is you may be shaving years off your life expectancy and robbing yourself of the physical health you’ve worked hard for. In Deadly Emotions, Dr. Don Colbert exposes those potentially devastating...
Read MoreBy John Bradshaw John Bradshaw is one of the 100 most influential writers on emotional health in the twentieth century, as selected by his fellow mental health professionals. Healing the Shame that Binds You is John Bradshaw’s most enduring work. In it, he shows how unhealthy toxic shame, often learned young and maintained into adulthood, is the core component in our compulsions, co-dependencies, addictions, and drive to...
Read MoreBy David Seamands Whether through our own fallen temperament, willful disobedience, or as victims of the hurtful actions of others, many of us struggle with crippling emotions, among them perfectionism, depression, and low self-worth. The pain of such emotions is often present with us even though the incidents and relationships that caused the hurt may be long past. Healing for Damaged Emotions, first published in 1981 and since...
Read MoreBy Richard McAlear Illness comes in many forms and too often we’re told to ignore it, hide it, or simply run away from it. With decades of service in the healing ministry as both a teacher and one called upon to pray for healing, Father Richard McAlear has a different approach that recognizes – even embraces – the complex nature of illness. A cluster of emotions anger, anxiety, fear, hate, negative self-image, resentment, and...
Read MoreBy Dr. Henry Malone This book is for the tired, the defeated, the frustrated, and the ashamed. For the hurt and broken, those walking in powerlessness and fear. For all who have found truth but are failing miserably at living it. For those walking in bondage and limitations imposed by forces over which they seem to have no control. For those secretly wondering why their lives don’t portray the overcoming reality God has...
Read Moreby Graham Cooke The Being with God series by Graham Cooke, author of the best-selling Developing Your Prophetic Gifting examines different aspects of spirituality from slightly unusual angles. These books are interactive journals, filled with practical guidance in the form of prayers, exercises, actions and meditations woven throughout the text. Readers are encouraged to work through each book and chart their progress as they seek...
Read MoreBy James Friesen, E. James Wilder, Anne Bierling, Rick Koepcke, & Maribeth Poole The Life Model is a unifying approach to ministries of counseling, recovery, pastoral care, prayer ministry, deliverance, inner healing, child rearing, body life and health. Substance abuse recovery programs internationally are guided by the Life Model’s five principles. Because the Life Model develops strong maturity, it is widely used as a...
Read MoreBy John Loren Sandford Immorality defiles husbands, wives, children, church members, identity, reputation, respect and position in the community. John Sandford exposes unseen spiritual forces and gives practical guidelines for restoration, repair and reconciliation. Why do even Christian leaders and faithful people fall into immorality – hurting husbands, wives, children and church members – those they love most? Why is it so easy...
Read MoreBy: John Loren & Paula Sandford Parental inversion, individuation, identity, calling, gender, sexual wholeness, healthy relationships, boundaries, and contributing effectively to society are discussed by John and Paula Sandford in this Transformation Series book. Letting Go of Your Past – book three of four in The Transformation Series – is derived from John and Paula Sandford’s earlier works: Transformation of the Inner Man...
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