- Forgiveness
When the Second World War broke out, Ralph MacLean traded his quiet yet troubled life on the Magdalene Islands in eastern Canada for the ravages of the Second World War. On the other side of the country, Mitsue ...
- God’s Power to Change
By John Loren & Paula Sandford
Functions of Spirit, slumbering spirit, spiritual imprisonment, depression, defilements, devils, death wishes, identifications, and shrikism are discussed by John and Paula Sandford in this Transformation Series book. God’s Power to Change – book two of four ...
- The Prophetic Church: Wielding the Power to Change the World
In this book Loren Sandford provides powerful visions and real-life examples of what a healthy prophetic community looks like.
In this book Loren Sandford provides powerful visions and real-life examples of what a healthy prophetic community looks like. He helps believers find ...
- Elijah Among Us: Understanding and Responding to God’s Prophets Today
In his sequel to John and Paula Sandford`s classic The Elijah Task, John teaches about the history of prophecy and its biblical application for today. Is the prophetic gifting for today? If so, whom does it involve and how does it work? ...
- Purifying the Prophetic
The Church’s sure foundation: Are we watching it crumble?
The Western Church is slowly slipping away from her biblical moorings, warns prophetic pastor Loren Sandford. And by doing so she is sinking into a culture repelled by the demands of biblical ...