Hearing God In A Noisy World: Prayer as Listening

hearing god in a noisy worldBy Timothy L. Owings

In a world rapidly moving toward secularity, where violence and tragedy have seemed to join forces with loneliness and relational abandonment, does God still hear and answer prayer?

Hearing God in a Noisy World answers with a resounding, “Yes!” Owings explains how to tune our hearts to hear God speaking in the dynamic interrelationship between creation, scripture, the people of faith, and the individual. Then he explores God’s answers-“yes,” “no,” “wait,” and silence – and our responses to them. These theological and practical handles for understanding God’s voice in prayer will guide anyone seeking meaningful spiritual growth or coping with tragedy, illness, disability, or spiritual loneliness. Written in an honest and straightforward manner, readers will take away a new and exhilarating awareness of God’s presence and voice in their lives. It is also an excellent resource for preaching or teaching about prayer. (Publisher’s description)

Available at Christian Book

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