Sexual Healing

  • A Covenant With My Eyes

    a covenant with my eyesBy Bob Sorge  

    This book sounds a bold call to the highest consecration in our sexuality. Get ready for a unique book that is apprehending, prudent, and empowering. Based on Bob’s own experience with Job 31:1, this book extends an invitation to ...

  • Broken Windows of the Soul

    broken windows of the soulBy Dr. Arnold R. Fleagle & Dr. Donald A. Lichi

    The “Broken Windows Theory” suggests that a community can reduce crime and maintain social order when small problems are fixed promptly. Alternatively, minor vandalism (such as broken windows) left unrepaired, sends the message that no ...

  • Can Homosexuality Be Healed?

    By Francis MacNutt  

    Over the years, Francis MacNutt, founding director of Christian Healing Ministries has seen phenomenal results in the area of healing for homosexuals. Through prayer, those same-sex desires can be changed…healed. Gays or lesbians actually become heterosexual. Here Dr. MacNutt shares real-life examples, compassionate ...

  • Contrary to Love: Helping the Sexual Addict

    contrary to loveBy Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.  

    This resource identifies the stages and progression of sex addiction, including assessment, intervention, and treatment methods. It also covers family structure, bonding, boundaries, and recovery topics. (Publisher’s description)

  • Every Heart Restored: A Wife’s Guide to Healing in the Wake of a Husband’s Sexual Sin

    every heart restoredBy  Fred & Brenda Stoeker, and Mike Yorkey

    Wholeness and Healing for Women Caught in the Crossfire.

    As the wife of a man who is addicted to lust, pornography, or masturbation, you are not alone. Millions of men can’t get through the day or the week without clicking ...

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