- Approaching the Heart of Prophecy
Today, prophecy is often misunderstood and even abused. In Approaching the Heart of Prophecy, Graham Cooke unwraps the gift and offers a practical and powerful approach to a gracious, life-changing ministry. He writes that, “Prophecy is simply encouraging, exhorting, and comforting people by ...
- Elijah Among Us: Understanding and Responding to God’s Prophets Today
In his sequel to John and Paula Sandford`s classic The Elijah Task, John teaches about the history of prophecy and its biblical application for today. Is the prophetic gifting for today? If so, whom does it involve and how does it work? ...
- Prophetic Wisdom
God does not measure time, He measures growth. How we respond to the prophetic word dictates what will happen to it and to us.
Without insight, however, many prophetic words are relegated to words in a file. It is possible to live with a ...
- Purifying the Prophetic
The Church’s sure foundation: Are we watching it crumble?
The Western Church is slowly slipping away from her biblical moorings, warns prophetic pastor Loren Sandford. And by doing so she is sinking into a culture repelled by the demands of biblical ...
- The Elijah Task
John and Paula Sandford have biblically substantiated the prophetic office for today in this pioneering work. No longer controversial in the mainstream Spirit Led church, these foundations continue to serve as guideposts for scripturally sound practices in today’s church.
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