Many are becoming more aware of the existence of prison volunteers through friends, media, and the Yellow Ribbon project. But mentioning the Roman Catholic Prison Ministry (RCPM) still draws curious responses from many Roman Catholics include: What’s that? Is there one? What do you do? Which parish are you from?
It beckons therefore to inform our community of our mission, what do we do, who we are, and where we are heading.
Our Mission
To be the compassion of our Heavenly Father for our brothers and sisters in Christ: I was in prison and you visited me.
Our Core Values
The Roman Catholic Prison Ministry works in an environment which is the primarily focused on discipline and security. To this environment, RCPM brings love, obedience, and humility as three of our core values.
What We Do
In Care:
1) Eucharistic Celebration / Communion Service;
2) Scriptures Sharing;
3) Faith Exploration, Development & Formation;
4) Administering the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick & Condemned;
5) Intercessory Prayer; Inner Healing; & Counseling.
Out Care:
Pastoral Assistance & Concierge
1) Ex-Offenders
2) Impacted Families