Novena To Archangel Michael For Protection Against Temptation

A rchangel Michael , defend us in the day of battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and you, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

O glorious prince, Archangel Michael, chief and commander of the Heavenly Hosts, guardian of souls, conqueror of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the Divine King and our admirable guide, you who shine with excellence and superhuman virtue, deliver us, who turn to you with confidence, from all evil and enable us by your gracious protection to serve God more and more faithfully every day.

Archangel Michael, you defend the honor of the Lord by carrying his divine standard while you exclaim: “Who is like you, O Lord?” Help us to imitate your ardent zeal and your unchanging faith so that we may know how to defend our faith against false teachers and teachings. And by doing so, we will live in constant hope of eternal life and be witnesses to charity and care for the poor and the neglected.

Archangel Michael, the Lord entrusted the church to your protection. Hear our prayers and intercede for us before the throne of the Most High. Protect us from the spirit of pride, and from false doctrines and teachers. Help us to build Christian communities based on mutual concern, common worship, and adoration of the Most High.

Archangel Michael, stay with us as we walk through dangers. Help our children grow maturely, free from the influence of drugs and destructive vices. Help us as we walk or drive to our work and allow us to come home safely and soundly so that with you we can sing God’s glory during the night.

Archangel Michael, may your spirit of humility that enabled you to see easily the pride of Satan and his friends be mine so that the Lord may bless me, and I can stand with all those of humble and meek heart. O glorious Prince of angels, bless us so that we may have a personality like yours that attracts God and your fellow angels.

Archangel Michael, we promise to make a daily examination of conscience to strengthen our will for the combat against evil. We commit ourselves to your side and to your eternal determination that led to the defeat of Satan and his followers. Stay with us Archangel Michael so that your presence may remind us to be faithful disciple of Jesus.

Archangel Michael, we pray that through your prayers we may receive the gift of continuous prayer and repentance. Through your intercession, may we also receive the gift of perseverance in the service of our Lord and of our needy brothers and sisters.

Archangel Michael, in our moments of anxiety and depression, inspire us to believe that only Jesus would save us, that once we surrender ourselves to him, our sword of faith will also become burning like yours – cutting the enemy to pieces and illuminating the way to our Father’s house.


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